NECA has recognised the industry’s best in ICT & AV at the 2022 NECA State Awards

The sold out events brought together the very best electrical and communications projects from across the Australian States.
Award categories include Excellence Awards, NECA Small Business awards and NECA Apprentice Awards.
Of considerable interest to ACRS is the award winners in the ICT & AV category, with the following winners across the country:
NECA ACT Branch: Intravision for Project Majura
NECA QLD Branch: Green Switch Electrical for Majestic Cinema
NECA SA Branch: MIMP Connecting Solutions for GigCity Whyalla and Mount Gambier Wireless Internet
NECA TAS Branch : Contact Group for Department of Justice Shared Tribunals
NECA VIC Branch: Stowe Australia for Centre for National Resilience, Melbourne
NECA WA Branch: Programmed Electrical Tech for WAPHA
NECA CEO, Oliver Judd said “Congratulations to our winners, who have not only showcased outstanding examples of the best our industry has to offer but have also shown what is possible for the future of our industry”.
The finalists from all categories at these awards should be very proud. We look forward to seeing how our winners fare at the NECA National Awards at Sky City Adelaide in November.

Taking place 18-20 October in Tweed Heads, NSW, this three-day event will bring the residential technologies sector back together under one roof.
At the event, technicians, system designers, and business owners and managers will learn about the latest technologies and trends in the industry.
Visit the ACRS stand at this year’s CEDIA Conference!

Earn 3 CPD points towards your Continuing Professional Development this November at NECA’s Industry Nights in Penguin, Launceston & Hobart.
Join the NECA team and a panel of Tasmanian Industry Experts this November as they discuss a raft of key changes to rules and regulations for legislative and technical requirements impacting your business.
The NECA Industry Nights are FREE for NECA members and their employees. Non-members: $35. (non-members who attend can apply for a subsidy of the cost after the event).
As always, there will be networking opportunities with local reps, leading industry product suppliers and other electrical contractors.
More information and to register: NECA Industry Night 2022
PENGUIN Tue 1 Nov, 22 Penguin Football Club 4.30pm-7.30pm | LAUNCESTON Wed 2 Nov, 22 The Boathouse 4.30pm-7.30pm | HOBART Thu 3 Nov, 22 My State Bank Arena 4.30pm-7.30pm |
For event enquiries, please contact NECA Member Services on 1300 361 099 or submit your enquiry here.
Can electricians perform cabling work?
ACRS receives many enquiries from electricians who are looking to diversify their skills and include cabling related services into their business.
Having the right skills and competencies to gain the required accreditation to cross over into the telecommunications cabling industry can provide new work opportunities.
If you are planning to connect, install, repair or maintain telecommunications customer cabling that is connected or is intended to be connected to a telecommunications network – from smart home systems to extra phone lines, monitored security and access control systems – you need a current cabling registration.
Carrying a current nationally recognised cabling registration card confirms you have completed the relevant training, gained the knowledge and have the professional experience to perform cabling work according to the wiring rules, the industry standard. The wiring rules promote safety of consumers, cablers and help to maintain the safety and integrity of our network.
Holding an electrical licence, you are deemed to have already met the minimum number of hours of cabling work experience and therefore no declaration of cabling work experience is required.
To become a registered cabler you must meet certain mandatory training and practical experience requirements.
Some electricians would have completed the relevant chosen electives relevant to cabling within their apprenticeship.
If not, you can complete the 5 day OPEN registration course and any competencies related to your work.
Cabling which is installed incorrectly can result in your phones, internet, alarms and home wiring systems not working properly.
Faulty cabling can also increase the risk of safety hazards such as electrocution and even death.
Further information on the requirements of obtaining a cabling registration is outlined in the ACMA Pathway requirements:
Below is a list of Registered Training Organisations who deliver telecommunications training across Australia
October is National Safe Work Month
Safe Work Month is a time to commit to building a safe and healthy workplace.
NECA and ACRS encourages businesses to make safety at work your priority.
No job should be unsafe, and no death or injury is acceptable. A safe and healthy workplace benefits everyone.
During October each year, Safe Work Australia along with all state SafeWork authorities asks businesses, employers, and workers to join them in raising work, health and safety awareness during National Safe Work Month and to commit to building safe and healthy workplaces for all Australians.
$1.05 million fine for fatal electrocution
Did you know that falls from heights and contact with electricity were the leading cause of traumatic injuries and fatalities in the NSW construction industry?
Recently, two NSW companies were fined over $1.05 million over a workplace fatal electrocution. An incident in 2019 resulted in a 25-year-old dying on a roof and the other worker suffered serious burns to his legs. Read more here.
“Each year SafeWork NSW responds to many incidents where workers come into contact with overhead powerlines or are observed working too close to them.
NECA reminds members when working on site to identify hazards and manage risks to health and safety in accordance with WHS Standards and Regulations including Work Health and Safety Act 2011 , Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 , and the Codes of Practice for construction work (PDF, 1014.41 KB) and work near overhead power lines (PDF, 3569.89 KB) .

National Mental Health Month 2022
National Mental Health Month is an initiative of the Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA) to advocate for and raise awareness of Australian mental health. It is an important time where the Australian community comes together to raise awareness and promote better mental health for all. Throughout this month, many events have been organised in each state of Australia aiming to attract and unite Australians of all ages and backgrounds to raise awareness and promote better mental health for all.
The National Mental Health Month 2022 Awareness Campaign theme is:
‘Building Resilience: Communities and Connections’
Join us for various events happening from 1 – 31 October 2022
Events happening throughout Australia in October 2022 will be published on our website and social media platforms. You can register for the events via the booking platform Humanitix.
Browse through our interactive calendar to find events of interest to you, and click on the event to find more details and register. Alternatively, click on the hyperlinks below:
- 01 Oct – Official Launch of National Mental Health Month – Victoria
- 01 Oct – Official Launch of National Mental Health Month – New South Wales
- 01 Oct – Official Launch of National Mental Health Month – Tasmania
- 01 Oct – Official Launch of National Mental Health Month – Queensland
- 01 Oct – Official Launch of National Mental Health Month – Australian Capital Territory
- 01 Oct – Official Launch of National Mental Health Month – South Australia
- 01 Oct – Official Launch of National Mental Health Month – Northern Territory
- 01 Oct – Official Launch of National Mental Health Month – Western Australia
- 02 Oct – Mental Wellness Workshops
- 03 Oct – Indigenous Mental Health Symposium
- 04 Oct – Substance Use (Alcohol) and Mental Health Symposium
- 05 Oct – Food and Mental Health Symposium
- 06 Oct – Womens’ Mental Health Forum
- 07 Oct – Family Violence and Mental Health Symposium
- 08 Oct – Bipolar Gala Dinner
- 09 Oct – TBA
- 10 Oct – Multicultural Youth and Future Leaders’ Summit
- 11 Oct – TBA
- 12 Oct – Emotional Resilience Workshop with ShareTree
- 13 Oct – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Forum
- 14 Oct – Seniors’ Mental Health Forum
- 15 Oct – Taste of India – Food Festival
- 16 Oct – Walk for Mental Health
- 17 Oct – Afternoon Tea at Tasmania Government House
- 18 Oct – Men’s Mental Health Symposium
- 19 Oct – TBA
- 20 Oct – LGBTIQA+ Mental Health Forum
- 21 Oct – Sleep and Mental Health Symposium
- 22 Oct – Wyndham Diwali
- 23 Oct – ABBS Diwali
- 24 Oct – Smoking and Mental Health Forum
- 25 Oct – Substance Use (Drugs) and Mental Health Symposium
- 26 Oct – Gambling and Mental Health Symposium
- 27 Oct – Dr Justin Coulson on Positive Strategies for raising Resilient Kids
- 28 Oct – TBA
- 29 Oct – Multicultural Gala Dinner – Victoria
- 29 Oct – Gala Dinner MHFA Queensland
- 30 Oct – Pasar Malam – Evening Market
- 31 Oct – MHFA Closing Ceremony
Optus Data Breach
If you think you may be affected by the recent Optus data breach , contact Optus customer service on 133 937. You should also secure and monitor your devices and accounts for unusual activity, ensure they have the latest security updates, and enable multi-factor authentication for all accounts. If you need help with these steps, please visit cyber.gov.au .

Scammers target everyone using sophisticated tactics to coerce money or information from people. Sadly, Australians in vulnerable circumstances are often a target.
We have free resources to help people recognise and avoid phone scams.
Your organisation can help by:
• displaying posters in community spaces for people who may not use the internet
• including an infographic in your newsletters
• posting information on social media using our phone scam graphics and animations
Our ‘Scams target everyone’ package includes posters in English, Arabic, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Vietnamese, and Italian, as well as social media graphics and animations to build community awareness.
Downloadable files are available on the ACMA website.