- Webinar for cablers – Deploying WiFi in residential premises
- Telecommunications smart wiring
- ACMA Consultation paper
- Unlicenced apprentice fined $45k for illegal electrical work
- Movember

Our first series of webinars held in August has been completed and it seems it was well received. The topic was “The importance of Applying S009 and Adhering to its Guidelines”.
ACRS is now excited to present our next webinar, titled
“Deploying WiFi in residential premises”.
The link to the registration page for the webinar is:
We have set the timing for the webinar at 6pm on Tuesday the 28th of November.
Hope our ACRS members can join us.

Telecommunications “SmartWiring” – Registered Cabler Website (RCWS)
ACRS is a member of the Registered Cabler Website consortium and the site is for our registered cablers and open for industry stakeholders and the public, as an advisory service. Links are on the NBNCo website. Originally, it was to assist cablers navigate the then new NBNCo environment, but has since expanded.
An industry agreement means ACRS ACMA CPR Open registered cablers, with mandated endorsements/specialist competencies, can use the facilities including:-
Smart Wired booklets titled Home Wiring Essentials, Quick Guides and the Installer Handbook can be downloaded.
ACRS Open Registered Cablers with Structured and Co-Axial (and Fibre where required)– can sign off their work with the Smart Wired Logo, when cabling meets the requirements of HomeWiring Essentials-1 Communications and 2 Entertainment Sample Label on website.
The Smart Wired logo is copyright, owned by the ICAA(International Copper Association Australia). The “electrical” sector has been using this marketing advantage, while most telecommunications/data cablers have not.
Smart Wiring applies in our sector and can help lift quality and provide some advantages to the “good guys” particularly sole traders and small contractors.
The smartwired website is and ICAA are on There is an information/advice service here.
The cabler should fill in the compliance label, placing it in a visible place.
NOTE: The ACMA Compliance Form TCA1 and optional TCA2 still need to be given to the customer. This is protection for cablers and the customer in the event of future litigation.

The ACMA have published a consultation package for the proposal to make the Telecommunications (Types of Cabling Work) Declaration 2024 which will replace the existing Telecommunications (Types of Cabling Work) Declaration 2013.
The 2013 Declaration, which sunsets on 1 April 2024, identifies what is and what is not a type cabling work for the purposes of the ACMA’s regulatory arrangements made under Division 9 Part 21 of the Telecommunications Act 1997.
A draft copy of the new Types of Cabling Work Declaration, and an accompanying consultation paper is available on the ACMA website here:
Unlicensed Apprentice Fined $45K for Illegal Electrical Work
(This article was published in the ECD newsletter 6/9/23)
An unlicensed electrical apprentice has been fined $45,000 in the Richlands Magistrates Court for non-compliant and unsafe electrical work in South East Queensland between November and December 2020.
The defendant, Brendon Graham, pleaded guilty to six charges including failing to comply with electrical safety duties, installing unsafe electrical wiring and not holding the appropriate electrical licences.
An investigation by the Electrical Safety Office (ESO) was prompted by a complaint about Mr Graham’s AirTasker profile ‘Brendon G’, which stated he was a licensed electrical contractor who could install ceiling fans, lights and external aircon power switches as well as replace power points.
At the time, Mr Graham was a fourth-year apprentice and did not hold an electrical work licence nor an electrical contractor licence. He performed electrical workfor 27 customers including installing ceiling fans, power points, lights and cooktops.
The investigation identified unsafe electrical work and wiring rules contraventions at five locations, four of which exposed home owners to serious electrical risk.
Electrical Safety Office Executive Director, Donna Heelan said they make no apologies for pursuing rogue operators who fail to comply with electrical safety and licensing legislation to ensure that Queenslanders are safe.
Mr Graham pleaded guilty to:
- four charges of failing to comply with an electrical safety duty
- one charge of performing electrical work whilst not holding an electrical worker’s licence
- one charge of performing electrical contracting while not holding an electrical contractor’s licence
In sentencing, Magistrate Shearer stated the legislative scheme was designed to prevent unlicensed people from doing such work and that the penalties imposed have to be a real deterrent. The defendant was fined $45,000 with no conviction recorded.
Editors Note:
This incident underscores the need for qualified and registered cablers or tradespeople in general, to meet legal requirements on their platforms. The ACMA has written to AIRTASKER on the need for clear statements and registration requirements to be applied in their advertisements.
Registrars have also contacted AIRTASKER from time to time on the requirements for cablers to be applied. As well as regulatory punishments, there is always the risk of litigation, which could arise from a failure of a security or medical alarm years later, if a lawyer discovers an installation was illegal due to non-compliance.

2023 Movember
Wed, 1 Nov 2023 – Thu, 30 Nov 2023
Movember 2023, also known as Men’s Health Awareness Month, is an annual global campaign that encourages men to grow mustaches and participate in various activities to raise awareness about men’s health issues.
If you would like to grow a mo, as a symbol for better men’s health and be part of this campaign, simply click on the link below to get started.