A word from NECA
We are well and truly in the midst of winter and it’s hard to believe that we are already halfway through what is proving to be an eventful year. As NECA continues its focus to strengthen our industry connections and deliver valuable events, we are also committed to providing members with the tools and resources to better support your business.
In this newsletter, we discuss changes to AS/CA S009:2020, calculating your Charge-Out Rates; how you can improve your workplace safety, NSW Government’s fee-free training and the business support offered to NECA members.
Vale Notice: Neville Palmer

It is with much sadness that we inform ACRS and NECA members and the wider electrical and telecommunications industry of the passing of former NECA National President Neville Palmer. Neville also spent some 15 years as a Director with ACRS.
A Director of Victorian electrical contracting business Gordyn & Palmer, Neville had a long and distinguished association with NECA throughout his career.
Having served as NECA National President, NECA Victoria President, Director of the NECA Foundation and Director of ACRS, Neville is remembered for his tireless dedication to growing and strengthening the electrical industry.
Neville passed on Saturday 11 June aged 77, he is survived by his wife Joan, children and grandchildren.
A true champion of the industry and advocate for our members, we extend our deepest condolences to Neville’s family during this difficult time.
AS/CA S009:2020 specifies the rules cablers must follow for the installation and maintenance of fixed or concealed cabling that is connected to the telecommunications network. It does not cover cable installations in the carriers’ networks. It is an updated version of the 2013 edition.
Have a question? NECA members can connect with NECA’s Technical Team here
(This article was produced by Paul Stathis – CEO BICSI South Pacific)
In August 2020, the mandatory telecommunications cabling regulations AS/CA S009 – ‘ Installation requirements for customer cabling (Wiring Rules)’ ) was updated to accommodate significant regulatory, industry and technological changes that have been introduced since the previous editions of the regulations.
This standard had an 18-month phase-in period to allow the ICT industry to get familiar with the changes and put them into effect. During that time – from 1 September 2020 till 29 February 2022 – either editions of the regulations (AS/CA S009:2013 or AS/CA S009:2020 for installation) were applicable.
However, March 2022 marked the end the phase-in period and applicability of just the 2020 editions of these regulations. So, it is vital for the telecommunications industry to know these regulations well and to understand the changes to their respective previous editions.
Noting this fact, the telecommunications regulator – Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA) – recently issued the statement “Registered cablers must comply with the 2020 Wiring Rules” stressing: ” Cablers cannot use the 2013 Wiring Rules – they must now comply with the requirements of the 2020 Wiring Rules.” So AS/CA S009:2020 is now the single applicable legal instrument as the Wiring Rules.
What if something goes wrong…even years from now?
If something goes wrong on a site you worked on – even years ago – you can still be held liable for the consequential loss. Picture this scenario:
Have a question? NECA members can connect with NECA’s Technical Team here
NECA welcomes new Federal Labor Cabinet
The National Electrical and Communications Association has welcomed one of Australia’s most diverse and experienced cabinets in its history following the Labor government’s announcement late Tuesday night.
Throughout the election, NECA advocated for policy changes across critical issues facing the construction industry, including fairer contract terms, female participation, support for more skilled worker training, the accelerated transition to an electrified economy and more significant action on renewable energy adoption. NECA looks forward to collaboratively working with the new Government and its Ministers to see these areas addressed.
NECA welcomes today’s swearing in of senior MPs to construction-critical Ministries, including:
· Chris Bowen – Minister for Climate Change and Energy.
· Catherine King – Minister for Infrastructure.
- Jason Clare – Minister for Education.
· Brendan O’Connor – Minister for Skills and Training.
- Katy Gallagher – Minister for Women.
· Michelle Rowland – Minister for Communications
NECA has lauded the appointments and the wealth of experience each minister brings to their portfolio, expressing excitement to work closely with the new Cabinet to overcome the ongoing challenges faced by the construction, skills and communications industries.
Oliver Judd, CEO of NECA, said:
“NECA welcomes the arrival of the new Cabinet and congratulates the Government on a more balanced and equitable level of representation within its outfit. We look forward to working with the key ministers relevant to the electrotechnology and communications sectors to create a better functioning and resourced industry, which is more diverse and sees better protections of payments to alleviate stresses on workers and businesses.
“There has never been a more critical time for Australia’s construction and skills industry. NECA, its members and the wider construction industry are primed to deliver real outcomes against critical priorities, like the energy transition to renewables, skills shortage and workforce diversity.
Are your Charge Out Rates making you a profit?
NECA has developed a simple calculation tool that you can use to master your numbers and get you up to speed on what you need to know.
NECA Members Knowledge Base contains specific tools and resources to support you with managing your business costs including:
· Charge-out Rate information webinar;
· Labour Cost Calculator;
· Charge-out Rate calculator;
· How-to guide on calculating overhead costs; and
· Market Monitor survey report.
Using these tools and resources can help you calculate your existing costs and compare them to your Charge-Out Rates. By increasing your rates and reducing your business costs, you can turn your cash flow around and make more profit.
If you would like to know more on how to access our Business Cost Calculator tools, connect with a NECA Representative.
Are your Safety Systems up-to-date?
It is important for all contractors to manage risks, whether it’s on site, traveling to site or back to the workshop. Safety should always be your number one priority
Free 90-minute Safety Advisory visits with NECAs HSEQ team for all NECA members
Did you know that 1 in 1,500 electrotechnology contractors die every year?
It’s the 10th deadliest profession in Australia. Our industry is the most heavily regulated in construction, however many businesses are not fully compliant and are unprepared when an incident occurs.
Your NECA Member Advisory visit will:
· Check your compliance with Safety and Licencing Laws
· Assist with any challenges of managing safety
· Understand the NECA SWMS templates
· Demonstrate our Safety Management Systems and learn about new offerings
· Assist with ASP Accreditation
· Learn about how to achieve Triple ISO Accreditation
Improve your compliance and prevent fatalities. Let NECAs HSEQ team improve your business health. Ask a NECA Representative today on how your business can book a FREE Safety Check-up now with NECAs HSEQ team.
NECA supports the NSW Government’s acceleration of fee-free training
NECA welcomes the NSW Government’s announcement that 70,000 additional people will receive fee-free training turbocharging a skills-led recovery and addressing dire skills shortages in the electrical trade. The $82.7 million four-year initiative announced by Treasurer Matt Kean MP and Minister Alister Henskens MP, will comprise a crucial part of the 2022-23 State Budget.
We praise the announcement as a crucial step toward ensuring a healthy pipeline of skilled workers and guaranteeing that Australia is capable of realising its economic recovery through infrastructure.
Oliver Judd, NECA CEO, said:
“NECA will always support initiatives that overcome barriers preventing people from contributing to Australia’s arsenal of skilled workers. Australia’s economic recovery and success are dependent on crucial infrastructure – we need the skill to make it possible, and we need it yesterday.
Have your say with NECA. If you have an industry issue, connect with NECAs Advocacy and Policy team to express your concerns.
How can NECA better support you?
All NECA members have access to phone and email support through NECA Member Services ensuring that you and your business receive specialist and expert advice.
The NECA team can assist your business with:
- SafetyStar – free document-based management HSEQ system, designed to assist electrical contractors to meet minimum compliance
- Technical, WHS, IR and HR issues – unlimited phone and email support
- Legal issues – unlimited basic phone and email enquiries with our legal team
- Latest Industry/Wiring Standards and WHS documents – unlimited access
- Discounts, offers and deals on business essentials including fuel
- Workwear, Corporate Clothing and PPE targeted for the industry
- Training and skills developments
- Free Industry events, webinars and regular updates
Contact NECA Member Services on 1300 361 099 or submit an enquiry today!

30 June is Fast Approaching
The end of the financial year is fast approaching, and it is an important time for your business.
NECA Business Partner, NESS Super, has summarised the key changes to super that will commence 1 July 2022:
· Increase of the super guarantee rate from 10% to 10.5%
· Removal of the $450 monthly income threshold for super guarantee eligibility
· Removal of the contribution work test for those aged 67-75
· An individual aged between 67 & 75 can claim a deduction for personal super contribution
To prepare your business for these changes, there are 3 things to do:
1. Ensure your payroll is prepared for the changes
2. Remuneration packages may need to be updated and employees advised of any change
3. Check your super obligations and payments are up to date
Contributions due before 30 June
To meet the all-important 30 June deadline, contributions must be received by the fund no later than 5.00pm on 30 June 2022, for the contribution to be tax deductible in the 2021/2022 financial year. This includes employees wanting to salary sacrifice or make extra contributions in June. More details on the changes to super are available here.
NESS Super is here to help
If you have questions about your super obligations, NECA encourages you to connect with NESS Super. A super fund designed specifically for all employees within the electro technology industry.
Has your ACRS registration EXPIRED?
Call the friendly team at ACRS on 1300 667771 who will be pleased to assist you in reinstating your registration.
Have you moved or changed your details?
If you have recently moved, changed email or mobile, please contact ACRS to update your new details. This will ensure you receive you renewal notification and renew your registration on time.
ACRS and the ACMA often receive phone calls from builders and members of the public to confirm registration is valid.
Useful Links
Dial before you dig
Registered Cablers
Communications Alliance
Authority to Alter Facilities in Residential & Small Business Premises nbnco2/documents/authority-to-alterfacilities-on-resdential-and-smallbusinesses-premises.pdf
Alteration of Telstra facilities in homes & small businesses com/personal/help/pdf-b/012882- alteration-of-telstra-facilities-in-homesand-small-businesses.pdf