The Smart Home CEDIA Introduction course is FREE for electricians and registered cablers, taking place:
Online, Tuesday, April 20, 2021 09:30 AM – 12:30 PM
CEDIA is hosting a 3-hour introductory webinar on the opportunities available to registered cablers and electricians looking to enter the home automation sector
The registration link is
Since the electrical trade first began in the late 1800’s, electricians have been at the forefront of technological advancement. Through innovative design and installation work electricians have helped society progress, making new ways or living and working possible.
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COVID-19 rescue and resuscitation training exemptions no longer apply
In 2020, during the height of COVID-19 travel restrictions and social distancing requirements, WorkSafe Queensland introduced alternative arrangements for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), pole top rescue (PTR) and low-voltage switchboard rescue (LVR) training.
These measures were introduced to assist industry where travel or lack of class access made it difficult for licence holders and others to attend formal training with a registered training organisation (RTO).
Following recent consultation with industry, these alternative arrangements are no longer required.
From 1 August 2021, the exemptions for CPR, PTR and LVR training will no longer apply.
Employers should check their training records, identify those who may require training and contact their preferred RTO to discuss suitable arrangements.
Workers whose CPR, PTR or LVR training is not current must not act in roles that require this training, particularly safety observers for live work. The work should be rescheduled or redesigned so that a safety observer or rescuer is not required.
AS/CA S009:2020 (.pdf, 2215 KB)
Publication date: 20 August 2020
This Standard applies to the installation and maintenance of fixed or concealed cabling or equipment that is connected, or is intended to be connected, to a telecommunications network, including any cord or cordage, or that part of any cord or cordage, that is connected as fixed or concealed cabling.
This Standard does not apply to-
· any electrical power cabling whose primary function is the distribution of AC mains supply, and which is connected to an AC mains supply, but which may also carry telecommunications signals as a secondary function as long as the telecommunications signals originate from the power network or are injected into the power cabling via a compliant interface device;
· any cabling used for the connection or distribution of broadcasting services, as defined in the Broadcasting Services Act 1992, that are supplied to the end-user by means of transmission through free air to a receiving radio, television or satellite antenna whether or not such cabling is connected to receiving equipment that is connected to a carrier’s or carriage service provider’s telecommunications network (e.g. via an Ethernet port); and
· any cabling on the carrier’s side of the network boundary whether or not such cabling is located in customer premises, e.g. lead-in cabling.
The industry standard AS/CA S009 2020 was published on 20 August 2020. An 18 month transition period commenced on 20 August 2020 during which time the AS/CA S009 2013 industry standard can still also be used and downloaded here .
ACMA explores future of emerging technologies in regulatory practice
Technological advancements are reshaping today’s regulatory environment. These emerging technologies are providing new tools and techniques to enable more efficient and cost-effective regulatory processes.
However, the challenge for regulators is striking a balance between encouraging innovation and protecting consumers.
Today, we have released 2 new occasional papers – New tech applications for regulatory outcomes and Emerging technologies: Internet of Things and digital twins.
The papers explore the technologies, how they could be deployed within our regulatory environment and the challenges, risks and opportunities they bring. We plan to release additional papers exploring other emerging technologies in the coming months.
Unregistered cablers must be supervised
If you are not registered, you can do cabling work only if you are directly supervised by a registered cabler at all times.
The supervisor must:
- be registered for the type of work you are doing (open, restricted or lift)
- take full responsibility for the standard of work you complete
- ensure all work complies with the rules and requirements for cablers
- complete cabling advice form(s) at the end of the job
These requirements are part of the Telecommunications Cabling Provider Rules 2014 (Part 4 section 4.1(2)).
If you believe someone is working as an unregistered cabler or without proper supervision, make a complaint .
Committing to cabling compliance This article was published in and was written by Paul Stathis, Chief Executive Officer BICSI South Pacific Committing to cabling compliance In Australia, cabling regulations are mandated under the Telecommunications Act, calling for installers to be registered (licensed), products to be tested and approved, and installation practices to meet stringent criteria. The penalties for non-compliance are severe, yet very few companies or individuals have been penalised. Is this industry so compliant that we no longer need to be regulated? This was a question the regulator – Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) – asked recently under federal government guidelines of reviewing existing regulations. In November 2018, the ACMA issued a consultation paper seeking views from industry on retaining or removing regulations. Outlining the intent, the paper stated: “Given the extent of developments within the telecommunications industry, it is timely to ask whether the risks that regulation was originally intended to mitigate are still present. If the risks remain, do they still require regulation and, if so, of what type and to what extent?” The ‘risks’ the ACMA is referring to are safety and network integrity. These are the pillars of telecommunications regulations, designed to protect consumers and telecommunications workers from hazards and to ensure the infrastructure is fit for its intended purpose in providing dependable communications services. The paper further clarified: “While the policy and legislative basis for customer cabling regulation has not changed since its inception, the technical and commercial environment around it has seen significant changes in recent years.” We believe the answer to the question posed earlier – is this industry so compliant that we no longer need to be regulated? – is a resounding ‘no’. Sub-standard workmanship and practices affect more than network performance BICSI and the other cabling registrars frequently hear about the shortcomings in our industry. While most members are professionals and do the right thing, sadly there are unscrupulous people who don’t adhere to the regulations and standards and cut corners just to make a quick buck. Substandard workmanship and products often result in poor network performance for unsuspecting customers. Unfortunately, there are also instances where these practices can lead to catastrophic failure including electrocution, fire and failed medical or security services. People suffer severely because of the carelessness of a few dishonest operators. In the face of such failures, the industry responded overwhelmingly to the ACMA Consultation Paper in favour of retaining regulations, citing these and other reasons for regulation, including increased proximity to hazards, and greater dependency on ICT infrastructure for critical services like health care, security and life-safety. All 32 submissions can be found on the ACMA website. After deliberation, the ACMA announced in mid-February 2021 that the telecommunications regulations would remain in place, noting “the information provided to us supports the conclusion that risks associated with telecommunications customer cabling work justify continuing cabling regulation” and the full statement is available on the ACMA website. The law protects you and your customers As well as protecting the safety of consumers and telecommunications workers and the integrity of the network, the regulations are also in place to legally protect cablers. It is a legal requirement to comply with the existing cabling regulations: AS/CA S008:2020 Requirements for customer cabling products and AS/CA S009:2020 Installation requirements for customer cabling (wiring rules). While massive fines can be applied for non-compliance, the bigger concern for cablers is consequential failure. In the event of an issue like a fire, electrocution or equipment failure, the cabler can be held partially accountable – even if the work you conducted was years earlier and didn’t directly cause the failure. The law of subrogation allows insurance companies to attribute partial blame to you as a ‘contributor’ but, if you ensure you’ve complied with regulations, you’re in what is called a ‘defensible position’. Put simply, adherence to regulations is your best friend. Read More This article was published in and was written by Paul Stathis, Chief Executive Officer BICSI South Pacific |
Registered Cablers website
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A2A and Network Boundary Issues
ACMA Complaints line
Communications Alliance
Smart wired .
NBN Co (How to Connect)
NBN Co (Cabling) :
Australian Standards AS/CA S009